Wednesday 17 January 2018

How to change text on blog post

You can change the font of the text by clicking the F symbol on the tool bar.

You can choose any text

That you prefer

This is my favorite


To change the size of the text, click on the lowercase and uppercase T's.

This will change the text

To any size you like


To change the format of the text click on the menu drop bar next to the lowercase and uppercase T's

This will change the text 

On the selection you choose


These tools can make the text, Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike through. Or All of them. 


To change the text color click the A.

To have your text

Any colour

You like


You can also highlight the text by clicking the highlight icon

This will highlight your text

Which can come in handy


This menu drop down will place your text where you want it.

You can have it on the left

On the right

and Centered


These tools are very handy. 

  1. The first one will number bullet point
  2. your text
The next one will
  • The next one will bullet point
  • Your text
 The next one will quote your work
"to be or not to be"
The one after will remove any format you have on your work

And the last one will spell check your work for you.

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